NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen)

May 2019; Testing at Dutch Railway stations

In a collaboration between Pretain Technologies and NS Stations ( Dutch National Railway Company ) a study was commissioned to test the disinfecting properties of Pretain’s T-Coat™. The study compares the cleanliness of public toilets, at two locations. One toilet was coated with Pretain’s T-Coat™ and the control (reference) toilet was not coated. At each location the toilets were side by side and both received the same amount of cleaning.

Sample Locations
  • Sample location 1: Under the water tap.
    • The core of the contact sample was taken 6 cm from the wall, under the tap.
  • Sample location 2: Side toilet roll holder.
    • The edge of the contact sample is taken at the front on the bottom of the toilet roll holder
  • Sample location 3: Behind the toilet seat
    • The core of the contact sample is 9.7 cm from the wall compared to the centre of the toilet seat.

The analysis shows a very clear reduction of CFU in the coated toilet at various measuring moments compared to the toilet that has not been treated with Pretain’s T-Coat™. CFU reductions could also have been due to manual cleaning moments that took place just before the measurements, but it is very unlikely that all measuring moments were exactly the same as the cleaning times. Furthermore, the cleaning team was not aware of the trial.

The data supplied with regard to the light duration shows that in 12 days the light in the toilet has been turned on, at an average of 33 hours (2.75 hours a day). It is expected that the effect of Pretain’s T-Coat™ will be even more powerful if the coating is exposed longer to the light.

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